Home Thing To Do Everything about Accidents in Bali ATV Tour
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Everything about Accidents in Bali ATV Tour

Bali atv tour is an thrilling adventure that held along muddy and steep tracks, and may challenge you to conquer some challenging obstacles.

It probably sounds extreme and has more accident risk during adventuring, which maybe can make you become doubtful to try it.

Perhaps you probably get a question “Is atv tour safe to try?” It is actually safe as long as you obey all tips in the following.

  • Apply All Equipment

Bali ATV Adventure on Wet Track

For avoiding accident risks, the operators of tour atv in Bali usually prepare complete safety equipment into their package tours.

In general, the equipment consists of a helm, gumboots, elbows and knees pads. However, sometimes some of them are in unfit size as oversize or too small to you.

Need to know unfit size for equipment will not protect you maximally. So, you should make sure all these in fit size and apply them correctly.

  • Do Warming Up

A man on Quad Bike in Bali

Before starting adventure, every rider will be required to warming up as moving parts of joints.

It’s feasible done to avoid your muscles become cramps during riding. Hence, warming up should be done seriously.

  • How to Operate the Vehicle

Ride ATV in Bali's Nature Track

Besides warming up, you will be also required to do a simulation about how to operate the vehicle with guide before starting adventure.

Need to know that operation of atv is different of motorcycle especially for accelerator control, which be in the form of a button that can pressed by a thumb.

  • Obey All Guide’s Instruction

Quad Bike Adventure in Bali
Quad Bike Adventure in Bali

Although you have applied safety equipment and known how to operate the vehicle well, but it isn’t meaning you can be reckless during adventure.

Please keep obeying all instruction of the guides during adventure so that you may be avoided by fatal accident.

Well, above are all you should remember and obey when having Atv Adventure!  Are you interested to try? Find special offer on single Bali quad bike tour.

Have a safe and comfortable tour!

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